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We are delighted to introduce our first Patron, Ngunan Adamu.  Ngunan is a producer, presenter, international multi-media trainer, award winning and award nominated entrepreneur for her social enterprise iWoman Academy CIC.


Ngunan has had a successful 15-years career with the BBC; from runner to working her way to senior editorial positions across the BBC.


Ngunan has advised and supported local councils, international charities and foreign governments on global communication and marketing strategies.


She’s a fellow of the School of Social Entrepreneurs and Wellcome Trust grant awardee. Ngunan is a member of the prestigious British American Project, The International Association of Women in Radio and Television and Women in News Gathering.


Ngunan’s goal is to grow her social enterprise iWoman Academy CIC to be a top and highly recommended international women only media academy.


The Board and Company are excited to begin our journey together.